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What Are the Best Exercises for Seniors (Monthly Series)

Care Choice Home Care • December 6, 2021

What are the Best Exercises for Seniors? (Monthly Series)


Jon Izzo PT, Owner of Care Choice Home Care

I am a California licensed Physical Therapist with more that 30 years of practice in San Diego County. My education and treatment focus has centered around geriatrics, diseases of the aging, acquired brain injury and orthopedic rehabilitation. I am asked all the time by seniors, and their loved ones “What are some good exercises that will keep me healthy?”

As always, before starting any exercise program, consult with your physician or qualified healthcare professional.

The best exercises for the aging population is a difficult question to answer because, although we are all affected by father time, our physical, mental, medical, and genetic makeups are all different.  A proper assessment of your individual condition is highly recommended to identify the exercises that are safe and will give you the maximum benefit. When implementing any senior exercise program, it is important to address strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance or tolerance for activity. In each of these areas, there are common issues that affect the aging body.

Over the next few months this article series will suggest the best exercises for seniors. Here are a few of the categories we will be addressing…


Legs- Squats/Toe raises

Core/Abdominals and Back – Bridges, Quadruped, Planks

Arms/Core – Push-ups


Knees to chest

Trunk rotation/Rolling

Shoulder Rotation


To Be Decided



So, stay tuned

Or if you have any questions about Caregiver services just give us a call.

Care Choice Home Care


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