As we age, our risk of falling INCREASES when the following conditions are involved:
vision problems
multiple medications
difficulty thinking clearly
muscle weakness
a history of falls
difficulty balancing
difficulty walking
To help reduce your risk of falling and avoid the serious consequences associated with falls, follow these simple steps:
Have a Fall Risk Assessment and review of your medications performed by your physician or a trained healthcare professional.
Ask your pharmacist about medication interactions
Review your medications periodically with a health professional
As your licensed health care professional to conduct a “Get Up and Go” fall risk screening or another assessment of their choice
2. Engage in regular physical activity
Ask your physician what types of activities would be best for you
Determine a plan for regular physical activity that fits with your interests and abilities
Consider targeted balance and mobility exercises that are most effective at reducing fall risks
3. Get an assessment of your home environment and make changes to reduce safety risks
Use a home safety checklist or consult with a professional to identify home safety risks
Modify your home to make it safer. For example, reduce clutter, improve lighting and assure handrails and grab bars are securely and properly installed. (Visit
for information on home safety/modications)